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Charge towards a sustainable future
February 2025

Charging towards a sustainable future

In the face of worsening global warming and its impact on our planet, and with stricter fuel efficiency standards being imposed around the world, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular. Global sales of EVs are projected to grow from USD $163 billion in 2020 to $823 billion by 2030. Here in New Zealand, the Climate Change Commission has recommended phasing out imports of fossil-fuelled cars by no later than 2035. And while this is an ambitious target, we know that it needs to be – with transport to blame for over 21% of our total carbon footprint. According to the Ministry of Transport, at March 2022 there were 38,117 EVs out of a fleet of 3.2m light vehicles in New Zealand, and that number will only continue to grow.

Legrand Category Manager, Owen Redley comments, “The Motor Industry Association data shows December 2021 sales of 1,143 pure electric vehicles, this is the second highest sales month behind September that had over 1,500 BEVs sold. Tesla Model Y was the number one newly registered car in the country!” Redley adds, “Thanks to increased awareness of climate change and the Government’s Clean Car incentives, the tide is turning and EVs are no longer considered a niche vehicle.” 

With premium plastic and premium metal options, Legrand’s GREEN’UP Premium EV Chargers provide safe and efficient car charging solutions for compatible type two electric cars in both residential and commercial applications – from office carparks, shopping centres, hotels, and universities, to apartment carparks, garages and exposed carports.  Packed with features, these chargers are water-resistant and shockproof to ensure longevity, are compatible with Android and IOS devices through integrated Bluetooth functionality and allow complete safety in Mode 3 with DC protection. Offered in either single or three phase, GREEN’UP Premium EV Chargers are connected in either 230V/32A or 400V/32A.

Woman with Ev Charger

As Kiwis continue to switch to EVs and we develop our EV charging infrastructure, new demands are being placed on power consumption. Smart home technology will play a vital part in managing EV charging monitoring, control, efficiency, and flexibility. Smart charging can smooth peak demand and reduce the risk of EVs overloading the electricity system. Not surprisingly, the GREEN’UP range integrates seamlessly with Legrand’s range of smart home solutions including Excel Life Smart, and can be controlled by Legrand's Home+ Control app just like any other electric device. Redley explains, “This integration gives private EV owners the ability to be even smarter about their EV charging energy use by controlling when they charge their vehicle, or reducing the rate of charge to ensure optimal cost and energy efficiency in off-peak times with clean, renewable energy.”  

Legrand’s also offers purpose-designed and engineered outdoor socket ranges AQUA and Soliroc to enable EV charging in exposed areas. Reducing our carbon emissions is crucial to the health of our planet, and EVs are a vital part of achieving this. Ensuring we’re adopting the most technologically advanced, smart charging solutions - such as Legrand’s GREEN’UP range, will help to accelerate our transition to EVs, and to a more sustainable future.

Discover more about Legrand’s GREEN’UP Premium EV Chargers here: https://www.legrand.co.nz/products/power-equipment-accessories/ev-chargers


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